A framework for creating value

Published on 2024/04/30

The main goal of someone working in the technology space (or any knowledge worker to be fair) is value creation, either to the organization you are in or to the market. So I’ll explain how I’m currently thinking about it.

The framework

In my opinion, the process of value creation has the following stages:

Value generation

How to use the framework

The framework above can help you assess your value creation process. Thinking of it as a streamlined process with clear steps can help you.

Also visualizing it in this way can help you identify your weak spots: you might be neglecting one of the steps which is acting as a bottleneck. Another possibility is that you can possess plenty of knowledge but few skills or vice versa.

The framework might need refinement and is not exhaustive on how any of the steps work. Each step is itself a whole discipline.

Fundamental skills for each step

There are many ways to approach the steps above and skills that are useful.

However, there are a few that are fundamental to each phase of the process and have been going on for millenials. Thus I think these skills are core to creating value:

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