
I’m Pablo Gómez-Caldito, I love building tools, products and infrastructure using software. My work experience is mainly in SRE, increasing the reliability of online services and implementing the DevOps philosophy in organizations. I also release Open-Source Software projects and have fun learning about Information Security.

Currently working as Senior DevOps Engineer at Streamsets and previously at idealista. You can check my resume to learn more.



My email is pablo[at]caldito[dot]me



The fingerprint of my PGP key is

0517 87D2 1C05 5D19 4C44  2523 C8BA 519E 21A7 2C71

and it’s also available at various (1 2 3) keyservers.


I am a very curious person. Interested in many tech related topics, maybe more than I should lol:

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