Disclaimer: this is just a quick outline I used for presenting and may contain errors
1. Introduction
2. Virtualization Platforms: Hypervisors and emulators
Hypervisors: hardware virtualization Virtualize only the Operating system on top of the original hardware
- Type
- FOSS or not
Emulators Virtualize the hardware architecture.
- QEMU quick emulator. Open source and 7 different architectures
- Useful for gaming and virtualising legacy hardware
- Rosetta: very relevant in apple devices with ARM architecture. M1, M2, M3, M4
3. QEMU and KVM
Free and open source virtualization platform KVM -> manages CPU, memory and disk Qemu -> Emulates hardware devices: display, network interfaces, peripherals… QEMU/KVM
4. Privacy OSs
- tails: amnesic operating system
- whonix: is the one
- QubesOS
5. Whonix
- Sweet network isolation and ease to use.
- Different setups: VBox, KVM, qubesos
6. Tor Network
Logo is an onion because the traffic is encrypted in layers. No intermediate node knows:
- the client
- the server Not only Privacyfocused Operating Systems but also the tor browser is enough
7. Hands-on: Installing Whonix on QEMU/KVM
Detailed on the readme and slides
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